Develop Biology
The language of life
bio::chemical Namespace Reference


class  AbstractMotif
class  Atom
class  Axis
class  Bond
class  Class
class  Element
class  Elementary
class  ExcitationBase
class  ExcitationWithArgument
class  ExcitationWithoutArgument
class  ExcitationWithTwoArguments
class  LinearMotif
class  LinearStructureInterface
class  PeriodicTableImplementation
class  Products
class  Reactant
class  Reactants
class  Reaction
class  Structure
class  Substance
class  Symmetry
class  UnorderedMotif
class  UnorderedStructureInterface


typedef uint16_t AtomicNumber
typedef physical::Arrangement< Bond * > Bonds
typedef std::vector< Substance * > Substances
typedef Index Valence


 BIO_PERSPECTIVE_SINGLETON (ReactionPerspective, StandardDimension) class Substance

Typedef Documentation

◆ AtomicNumber

typedef uint16_t bio::chemical::AtomicNumber

The AtomicNumber tracks class definitions. The StandardDimension can be used to track object configurations as well class definitions, so there is some overlap. However, the AtomicNumber should only ever have 1 Perspective: the PeriodicTable. See PeriodicTable.h for more info

Definition at line 72 of file Types.h.

◆ Bonds

Definition at line 127 of file Bond.h.

◆ Substances

typedef std::vector< Substance* > bio::chemical::Substances

Definition at line 79 of file Types.h.

◆ Valence

Valence defines how many Bonds an Atom (e.g. Substance) can have. The max of valence is essentially the max number of parents a child class can have. Valence can be any size up to the size of Index (used by physical::Arrangements). For now, we set Valence to the max possible size and may optimize later.

Definition at line 65 of file Types.h.

Function Documentation


bio::chemical::BIO_PERSPECTIVE_SINGLETON ( ReactionPerspective  ,